Teatro Bellini (ENGLISH)

Read Italiano version

Pontius Valguarnera of the Marquises of Santa Lucia, in 1676, rented a “magaseno” a warehouse of his palace, located on the floor of Palazzo Pretorio, to “make comedy”. Right here adjacent to Piazza Pretoria – Piazza Bellini – the theatre “dei Travaglini” or “di Travaglino” was placed (taking the name from a popular mask of Palermo).
When the Neapolitan court moved to Palermo during the revolution in 1799, Queen Maria Carolina became a frequent visitor; to the point that, in her honour, it became Real Teatro Carolino.
The inauguration took place on January 12th, 1809 with a great gala evening in honour of King Ferdinand of Naples and Sicily. The works of Rossini, Donizetti, Mozart and Bellini triumphed there.
In 1837, the Marquises Valguarnera sold the entire property to Andrea Bignone.
In 1860 – the year the gas lighting system was installed – the theatre was dedicated to the great musician from Catania Vincenzo Bellini.
Since 1907, the “Bellini” had continued to entertain the audience only as a cinema or for variety shows.
On March 14th, 1964 a devastating fire definitively closed the theatre, until the reopening that took place thanks to the intervention of the Biondo Stabile Theatre of Palermo. Unfortunately it was closed again after few years. However another important opening inauguration was on December 12th 2000 thanks to Teatro Biondo when Pietro Carriglio was the artistic director and “Il Candelaio”by Giordano Bruno was performed under the direction of Luca Ronconi cooperating with “Piccolo Teatro di Milano”.
Today, after another closure, the theatre has been reopened and visits are managed by the Terradamare tourist cooperative.
More information for visits: click here