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The adjoining cathedral cloister is an extraordinary example of this kind of construction reminiscent, in spirit and atmosphere, of the noble Islamic estates. It was built by the same king William and its square plan consists of 228 carved double columns supporting graceful capitals carved with various scenes. For instance, the capital where the king is depicted in the act of offering the Cathedral to the Virgin.

There are several capitals whose scenes are taken from The Holy Scripture. There are depicted the original sin, the expulsion of our first parents from Paradise, the slaying of Abel, but also the Resurrection of Christ and the Angel, showing the empty tomb, tells the women that Jesus has risen. The capital of the Annunciation, the finest of all, is really noteworthy. Set on top of the pair of four columns on the northeast corner it makes you wonder if you better appreciate the delicate work of the engraver or the fullness of the feeling that the unknown author has been able to instill in the scene crafted down to the smallest detail. On the southwest corner is the small cloister or loggia. Inside a square, enclosed by columns with three arches on each side, from a round bathtub a column rises.

The column zig zag stem ends in a bud with twelve figures, some standing or sitting still, while others give themselves up to dance. On the top of this festive procession of twelve lion mouths gushing water in the tub. The lively vegetation and the play of light among the shadows of the porch enhance the atmosphere of peace and serenity that reigns there, and that you can hardly find elsewhere.

 Visits: Mon to Sat h 9.00 am – 7.00 pm ( last entrance h 6.30) – Sun & Holiday h 09,00 am – 1,30 pm ( last entrance h 1,00pm)