“Via Roma and surroundings” and “Meet Christmas”

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From November 26th to next January 8th 2017, on the occasion of the upcoming Christmas holidays and Year-End, via Roma and its surroundings will be interested in a number of pleasant events for tourists and residents – both young and old people. It starts on November 26th with a show in Piazza San Domenico ( 05.00/07.00 pm), with the performance of the association Kandinsky acoustic trio “The Black Hats” and with the “ways of the new identity; territorial enhancement / guides in language” of Ferrara Institute. There are twenty-two selected projects that involve multiple events and initiatives animating the area for the Christmas period. The events will affect in particular Piazza San Domenico, Piazza dei Vespri Croci, Piazza Sant’Anna, Via Roma and the stairways of the Post Office in Via Roma. The rich program of “Via Roma and surroundings” and “Meet Christmas” events was promoted by the “Assessorato alle Attività Produttive” of Palermo District.

“Through this initiative – said the mayor Leoluca Orlando – we have paid further attention to the citizens and merchants of Via Roma and all the surrounding squares. This is a real opportunity for the economic and cultural revitalization and promotion of the entire area and is also for these reasons that we decided to set up the New Year’s event also before the Central Station in addition to the very traditional square Castelnuovo “.