Palermo Walks in the city with Itiner’ars: “PalermoquattroMandamenti”

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 The Itiner’ars association has reactivated the “PalermoquattroMandamenti” project for the summer months. Offering a program of guided visits, itineraries and walks amidst the spaces and places of Palermo’s still residential, old city centre which is divided into four historic quarters or ‘mandamenti’ by the Canti di Città: the Kalsa / Mandamento Tribunal, La Loggia / Mandamento Castellamare, il Capo / Mandamento Monte di Pietà e L’Albergheria / Mandamento Palazzo Reale.

This initiative has been organized so as to stimulate and enrich the Tourist and Cultural promotion of Palermo’s historic city centre, the rediscovery of historic monuments and places, the old crafts and workshops that once characterized the various quarters, amidst the revocation of facts and fiction, myths and legends of our popular traditions.

During the summer months, 2016, both daytime and evening walks will take place every Friday between July and September.


The starting point is the Mura delle Cattive, discover the old historic places of the Kalsa (the Mandamento Tribunal, Kalsa).

1st appointment Friday 22nd July, 2016 – 21.00 

Brief Description: Strolling through the lanes, streets and squares on the trail of traces, memories, and legends in one of the oldest mandamenti in Palermo. The site of the first Arab citadel of “al Khalisa”(the elected) from which its name derives, as well as, having been the area where the Institutions were concentrated e.g. the Spanish Inquisition’s HQ and prisons. Many of Palermo’s beautiful 17th century stately homes were built here, among the convents and splendid churches belonging to wealthy Sicilian clergy. Starting from Porta Felice, we head into the area that was once right on the water’s edge of both the sea and the estuaries of the River Kemonia and Papireto that were later diverted or dried up to create the Piano della Marina and what is now piazza Marina. On into via Alloro that in the 1700s became one of the most important streets in the city, where the aristocracy and titled built their magnificent homes and palaces. From there, through to the area and Romanesque church of the Magione, founded in the 12th century, and Lo Spasimo, yet, another church and convent built in the same century. Returning to the sea-front, we can admire stately homes and their terraces overlooking the sea and “Strada Colonna”, today the Foro Italico, where, starting in the 1600s there were a series of interventions to widen the area, making it into a pleasant space to stroll for both nobles and commoners.

The “Passeggiata delle Mura Cattive” was particularly popular with the widows who would have been able to have a walk, undisturbed, even during their period of mourning.


Other dates:

05 – 19 August, 2016

02 – 16- 30 September, 2016

Meeting point: Porta Felice / the entrance to the steps up to the Mura delle Cattive or piazzetta Santo Spirito.

Time: 21,00

Length: 2 hours

Cost: €10 per person (including a plurilingual guide and audio-guide if there are more than 15 in the group)

Booking by telephoning: 338 451 2011 or 338 722 8775

NB: The above mention dates or times could be subject to modifications due to unforeseen events. The guided walks will be with groups of no less than 15 people.