Palermo – Opera dei Pupi d’Estate – Opera dei Pupi Summer Season

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International Museum of Marionettes “Antonio Pasqualino”

Open from Monday to Saturday at 17.30

“Storie dei Paladini di Francia” – Stories of the French Paladins

by Giusto Lodico

At the International Museum of Marionettes “Antonio Pasqualino” there will be a performance by the Opera dei Pupi (a puppet show) every day, starting Monday, 6th July, 2016, at 17.30. Designated by UNESCO:

“A masterpiece of oral and immaterial Patrimony of Humanity”, in 2001,

the Opera dei Pupi is the traditional Sicilian theatre of marionettes that dates back to the 1800s. Its daily, cyclic performances* entertained its male audiences with stories about the adventures of the French Paladins (knights). The various tales weave themselves in and around the battles between the Christians and the Saracens, the legends of Charles the Great, Orlando and Rinaldo, provoking a strong empathy in their public.

On the wave of a bicentenary tradition, the shows will re-enact some of the principle episodes in the Stories of the French Paladins by Giusto Lodico – already performed in theatres in Palermo in the 1800s.

The indisputable protagonists – from the Carolingian Age – on stage go from Charlemagne (Charles the Great) to his Paladins in their epic clashes with the Saracens; Angelica, the princess of Catai whose beauty enchanted the Christian and non-Christian knights, mixing themes of love with those of war; Malagigi, the magician and fortune-teller whose uses his powers to serve the Kingdom of France and Christianity.                          

Ticket 10.00 euro (full price) or 5.00 (reduced price) Info. +39 091 328062


*The Breton Cycles were knightly epic verses glorifying the values of faith, patria, sovereign and honour. Stories of valour in the name of Faith, King and country.