“European Night at the Museums”

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Also this year the international event “European Night at the Museums” comes back which, involving museums and cultural institutions, invites tourists and above all the citizens who have never entered the museums of their city to discover and know the treasures of their own civilization and not only this.

From the website of the “Comune di Palermo” the complete list of the museums which join the initiative.

On this occasion la Gam is delaying the opening time up to midnight and the entance (the last one at 11 p.m.) is free for all those who will visit the sites from 5,30 on.

The theme-guided visits are not free.

To celebrate this wonderful spring night, during which thousands of lovers of culture will be walking in the beauty of our city under the stars. Terradamare offers three night openings : la Casa Museo Stanze al Genio, Palazzo Asmundo e la Torre di San Nicolò which join the initiative wit a night opening from 6p.m. To midnight.

-La Casa Museo Stanze al Genio with the event “One Night to admire the greatest Majolica Collection in the world (ticket € 7)

Palazzo Asmundo with the event “The Night at the Museums 2016 at Palazzo Asmundo( ticket € 3 )

– The Medieval Tower of Saint Nicolò ,with the event “A Museum in the open air” ( ticket 3)