Catacombe dei Cappuccini – Aperte al pubblico

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Vi si conservano 8.000 corpi mummificati dai Cappuccini appartenenti a nobili, borghesi e rappresentanti del clero dal 1500 fino alla fine del XIX sec.
Particolarmente nota tra le salme quella della piccola Rosalia Lombardo nata nel 1918 e morta a soli due anni dopo una probabile polmonite. Fatta mummificare dal padre il corpicino della piccola Rosalia, dopo circa un secolo, si presenta pressoché intatto.

There are preserved 8,000 mummified bodies by the Capuchins belonging to nobles, bourgeois and representatives of the clergy from 1500 until the end of the nineteenth century

All the world knows the miracle of Rosalia Lombardo, who has rested in the catacombs of Palermo’s Convento dei Cappuccini for about a hundred years. The little girl, born in 1918,  when she was two years old, she probably died of  pneumonia in 1920; then she was mummified  by her father, The method of preservation used has permitted the perfect conservation up to today.

Orari di visita/Timetable:  tutti i giorni  (daily) 09,00am-01,00 pm e 03,00pm 06,00pm Ticket. Sitoweb: 
Contatti : tel/ fax 091 652 73 89 /cell 329 4150462
Indirizzo/address: Palermo, via Cappuccini, 1