For the first time in Italy, the Head of Ade is exhibited at the ” Museo Salinas” in Palermo

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From 11th May, for the first time in Italy, the Head of Ade is exhibited at the ” Museo Salinas” in Palermo. ( free entrance from 09,30 to 19,00)


The history of this wonderful work of Greek coroplastic art is complex and singular. Through international rogatories of the ” Procura della Repubblica di Enna”, with the cooperation of “Comando Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale, Nucleo di Palermo,” and the availability of the Italian Consulate and the Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles, the head, stolen from the archeological site of Morgantina in the seventies, came back to Italy on 29th January, 2016. After its recovery, the work was sold to the Paul Getty Museum in 1985 by Maurice Templesmann, a collector fron New York, who, in turn, had bought it from Robert Symes, a famous art trader already involved in the case of the purchase of the Godess of Morgantina and the Acroliphs.


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