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La chiesa di San Domenico, che è uno dei più insigni monumenti barocchi di Palermo, campeggia in una vasta piazza con la sua facciata ornata di statue in stucco e fiancheggiata da due alti campanili.
Fu innalzata nel 1640, su progetto del domenicano Andrea Cirrincione.
La facciata fu realizzata nel 1726 dopo l’apertura di una nuova piazza.
Dal 1853 la chiesa è il Pantheon dei siciliani illustri, grazie allimpegno del letterato Agostino Gallo, e accoglie le spoglie di artisti, uomini di lettere, politici e giuristi che si distinsero nella storia della Sicilia.
Larchitetto realizzatore del progetto, per costruire la nuova chiesa, dovette abbattere la precedente costruzione rinascimentale innalzata tra il 1458 e il 1480.
La facciata in stile barocco è stata adornata con stucchi da Giovan Maria e Giacomo Serpotta e impreziosita con colonne in pietra di Billiemi durante il XVIII sec.
La facciata è divisa in due ordini. Le statue dei tre santi situati nellordine superiore, dentro delle nicchie, sono attribuiti al grande Giacomo Serpotta e raffigurano San Domenico al centro e San Tommaso DAquino e San Pietro Martire nelle nicchie laterali.
Le altre quattro statue in stucco opera di Giovan Maria Serpotta, nipote del ben più noto Giacomo, raffigurano quattro pontefici domenicani: San Pio V, Benedetto XI, Innocenzo V e Benedetto XIII.
Linterno della chiesa è a croce latina, con tre navate divise da sedici colonne di ordine tuscanico in marmo di Billiemi che reggono delle arcate a tutto sesto.
Le navate laterali sono ricche di tante cappelle che accolgono tanti monumenti sepolcrali e tante opere pittoriche e scultoree di grande valore artistico.
La chiesa è dotata di un doppio transetto. Nei fondali del transetto maggiore spiccano due monumentali altari dedicati alla Madonna del Rosario e al Padre fondatore dellOrdine dei Predicatori San Domenico.
Un importante coro ligneo è sistemato dietro laltar maggiore: opera in noce, dei primi anni del 700, del domenicano G.B. Ondars. Al centro dello spazio, tra gli stalli del coro, si trova il leggìo che doveva reggere i corali e che si staglia su di un magnifico pavimento in maiolica.
La piazza San Domenico è anchessa opera dellarchitetto domenicano Tommaso Maria Napoli, cui si deve il disegno e limpegno per realizzarla. Al centro della piazza spicca la colonna dedicata allImmacolata, eretta su un basamento a croce greca e circondata da gradini. In questo basamento, quattro piedistalli recano le statue in marmo dei quattro arcangeli: Gabriele, Raffaele, Michele e Uriele.Una cancellata in ferro completata da G. Amato protegge il monumento. La statua in bronzo della SS. Vergine, in cima alla colonna, è rivolta verso la Chiesa e per renderla visibile dallaltare maggiore, attraverso la grande finestra della facciata si rese necessario accorciare lalta colonna originale. Sui due più alti piedistalli sono state poste, durante i secoli, diverse statue di monarchi, via via sostituite. Oggi vi sono sistemate le statue bronzee dei papi Pio IX e Pio XII ai quali si devono rispettivamente le Bolle proclamanti i dogmi mariani dellImmacolata concezione (1854) e dellAssunzione di Maria Vergine (1950).
Piazza S. Domenico tel. 091.589172 – 091 7746445-442
Visite chiesa:
Since 1853 the church has been the Pantheon of illustrious Sicilians, thanks to the efforts of the scholar Agostino Gallo, and it has housed the remains of artists, men of letters, politicians and jurists who distinguished themselves in the history of Sicily.
The architect, who carried out the project, had to demolish the previous Renaissance construction, erected between 1458 and 1480 in order to build the new church.
The façade in Baroque style was adorned with stuccoes by Giovan Maria and Giacomo Serpotta and embellished with Billiemi stone columns during the 18th century.
The façade is divided into two orders. The statues of the three saints located in the upper order, inside the niches, are attributed to the great Giacomo Serpotta and depict “San Domenico” in the center and San Tommaso D ‘Aquino and San Pietro Martire in the side niches.
The other four stucco statues by Giovan Maria Serpotta, grandson of the well-known Giacomo, depict four Dominican pontiffs: St. Pius V, Benedict XI, Innocent V and Benedict XIII.
The interior of the church is in the shape of a Latin cross, with three naves divided by sixteen columns of Tuscan order in Billiemi marble that support round arches.
The side aisles are enriched by lots of chapels that host many sepulchral monuments and many paintings and sculptures of great artistic value.
The church has a double transept. The main transept houses two monumental altars dedicated to the “Madonna del Rosario” ( our Lady of the Rosary) and to the founding Father of the Order of Preachers “San Domenico”.
An important wooden choir is placed behind the high altar; it is a walnut wood work by the Dominican G.B. Ondars who created it in the early years of the eighteenth century. At the center of the space, between the stalls of the choir, there is the lectern for the choir music books and on a magnificent majolica floor.
The large façade is enclosed between two bell towers; the one on the left is by the architect Tommaso Maria Napoli and the one on the right, that of the clock, was built in 1770 by the Dominican father Lorenzo Olivier. The main door is dominated by a large coat of arms of the Dominican order: a spotted dog, with a torch in its mouth to guard the world.
Piazza San Domenico is also the creation of the Dominican architect Tommaso Maria Napoli, whose design and commitment should be recognized. At the center of the square stands the column dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, built on a Greek cross base and surrounded by steps. In this basement, four pedestals bear the marble statues of the four archangels: Gabriel, Raphael, Michael and Uriel. An iron railing completed by G. Amato protects the monument. The bronze statue of the Virgin Mother, at the top of the column, faces the Church and it was necessary to shorten the original high column to make it visible from the main altar, through the large window of the façade. Over the centuries, several statues of monarchs have been placed on the two highest pedestals, one by one periodically replaced. Today the bronze statues of the popes Pius IX and Pius XII are placed there; to them we owe the Seals proclaiming the Marian dogmas of the Immaculate Conception (1854) and the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (1950), respectively.
Since 2015, the church has housed the remains of judge Giovanni Falcone, who was killed by the mafia in the attack on the “Slaughter of Capaci” on 23 May 1992. Together with his friend and fellow judge Paolo Borsellino, buried in the family chapel at the cemetery of Santa Maria di Gesù and also victim of an explosive attack by Cosa Nostra (19 July 1992), Giovanni Falconi is considered a hero and one of the most important personalities in the fight against the Mafia. The visit to their tombs in recent years has become an obligatory stop by many tourists and especially for those who wish to go on the legality tour.
ADDRESS: Piazza S. Domenico tel. 091.589172 – 091. 7746445-442
In depth:
In the chapel of Our Lady of Lourdes on the left wall opposite the sepulchral monument to Giovanni Gorgone is the sarcophagus of Francesco Maria Emanuele and Gaetani Marquis of Villabianca Conte di Belforte.
In the epigraph it is written: D.O.M. Perpetuae securitati et spei aeternae comitis Francisci M. de Emanuele marchionis Villae Albae ac pulchri fortis castri Mazariae dynastae Patricii et iterum panormitani senatoris, luctus et amoris monumentum a Benedicto parenthesis filio magnificenter ut par erat positum et in lacrymis quod nunquam satis viri quidem majorum imaginibus clari eruditione, comitate, prudentia, religion, true muneribus, public boni study librisque editis cumque anecdotis ad res siculas missis innumeris, longe clarissimi admirandi, inclyti et hinc de Patria deque tota Sicily jure dicti optime merits by chartas Caesaris et by numismata unaque ex populi consonis Suffragiis. Here obiit die VI canteens februarii year R.S. MDCCCII, non sibi sed suis urbique et regno aetatis LXXXII annum agens. (To the perpetual peace and eternal hope of Count Francesco Maria Emanuele Marchese di Villabianca of the fortress and of the dynasty of Mazara lord patrician, two times senator in Palermo, a testimony of condolences and love from his son Benedetto who celebrated the funeral rite and was in tears. He was placed beautifully as it is right that which is never enough for the culture of a man famous for the images of the ancestors, for joviality, prudence, religiosity, positions held, love for the public good and for books published also with the innumerable anecdotes addressed to the admirable, beyond measure, admirable and praiseworthy Sicilian situation of the Homeland and of all Sicily for the jurisdiction through the public acts and the coins and the votes consonant of the whole people. Here died on the 6th of February in the year 1802, at the age of 82 years old).